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  • Writer's picturedonaldseymourjr

The Immature Black Male

Updated: May 30

The Immature Black Male

A complex guide in understanding the origins of the toxic male.

Authored By Donald Seymour Jr.

January 12, 2024

Part 1

Have you ever wondered why so many of our Black women are attracted to the so-called thug, the suave playa, i.e. the dude who gets all the kitty cat? Have you ever wondered why this seems to be an ongoing trend? Well, in this excerpt we will try to explain the causation of this behavior.

The Idea

You see the ideal, or concept behind the "Female Dog Made Ninja," which for now on I will refer to as the "BMN," stems from a mental construct based on a woman's idea of what a man is supposed to be. This very idealization of what a Black Man is supposed to be alludes to a poor self-construct of a woman. Meaning, that a woman struggles with the grandiose delusions of what a man is supposed to be coupled with a lack of insight. But, before we go any further, I feel the need to define insight. Insight is the innate ability to understand one's choices and the consequences of your choices. This means understanding the possibilities of one's actions and what can happen in the future due to your actions.

The Definition

BMN- Is an individual who conforms to what a woman wants, whether subconsciously, or intentionally to feel respected or to keep "peace." Example: A woman says something extremely stupid such as all cars are from Ford. The BMN will agree with her because he doesn't want her to be offended and he wants to smash, i.e. have sex.

Many BMN do this to obtain the goal of the vagina, to keep the peace, or look "cool and manly." If you do this my friend then you are stepping dangerously close to becoming a BMN.

The working concept of insight or the lack thereof.

Saul went to his manager David and exclaimed loudly about Lisa having a big ole booty. Now, the back story, Saul does not even know David. It's Saul's literal fifth day on the job. Nor does he have a strong relationship with him, well this goes without saying.

So, what do you think will happen?

A. Saul is written up.

B. David keeps close tabs on Saul's behavior, making Saul uncomfortable.

C. David's perspective of Saul has evolved negatively.

The definition of not having insight would be Saul's not understanding the consequences of his actions. So, in other words, Saul doesn't understand circumstances A, B , or C. If Greg understood that he would have kept it to himself or just told a close friend.

A key component of insight is empathy which is the ability to think outside oneself and consider others. And this "construct" of a lack of empathy will play a huge role in understanding how an immature woman views men.

I want a "STWRONG" (strong) man

What is a Female Dog Made Ninja?

Essentially a BMN stems from this ideal that a woman does not know what a man is. So, she creates a falsified identity based on what the media and her surroundings have given her. Let's tackle the first statement, "She does not know what a man is." She lacks insight and empathy because a woman has not been in a man's shoes or lived a man's life. So, her idea of a strong man becomes extremely shallow and lacks depth.

I will give you the following example.

Concept 2: Lisa views Darrel as a strong man because he commands people to do what he wants. Albeit, Darrel has a harsh way of communicating with his subordinates, Lisa believes that he displays what a strong man is. Conversely, Lisa views Reginal who always has a pleasant demeanor as a pushover. Now, Reginal is not a pushover by any means, because Reginal stands up for what he believes. Reginal is just not rude or demanding. Because of Reginal's laid-back and gentle behavior, Lisa does not view Reginal as a strong tough man. Lisa sees Reginal as the weaker man.

Furthermore, Lisa does not understand the hardship that every man must go through and still remains pleasant. You see, every real man is tough and hard. And so a woman without empathy or understanding perverts what is strong to what is weak and what is weak to what is strong. She mentally gives the weak disrespectful man (Darrel) the title of being tough and hard because he is always demanding and commanding. And conversely, she gives the strong man the title of the weak man (Reginal.) Lisa's actions stem from a shallow view of what a man is. Her view is drafted by the world's view of a strong "go-getter." Because we have individuals who deal in the extreme and lack maturity, we must understand that we as men are required to be "go-getters." All real men are "go-getters." However, that does not mean we should be rude and disrespectful to individuals.

Her view

Her view is twofold. First, we will tackle the conception of her view. We essentially already discuss the former part, the media, i.e., the world's view. Many women have formed their ideology about men from the media. So, whoever the media places before the immature woman, exemplifies what a man is supposed to be. These actions feed into her perception of how she would act as if she were a man. Meaning, that this thug or "playa" image is predicated on what she would do as a man. In other words, this would be how she operates if she was a man.

The Conclusion

This brings me to my conclusion about the root cause of why so many women are attracted to these types of men. The sole reason for a woman's attraction to the BMN is she sees herself in him. The BMN is a reflection of the woman. He is a combination of how she would operate if she had his power. This is why so many BMNs end up in jail, because essentially they are the male embodiment of a woman who doesn't understand their emotions. So, in other words, women are attracted to their reflection. They cannot understand a real man so they subside with someone who fits within their view of themselves. I hope you enjoyed this read. Please leave any questions or comments below.

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